


Explanation of the various modes and capabilities of the Cyber 2.0 system:

  • Monitor
  • Isolation
  • Defense

Monitor Mode

Monitor Mode is the initial mode of the system when it is first installed on a network. It is designed to
gather and analyze information about the network it is installed on


  • Creating a comprehensive inventory of every process or file that has been active since the system was installed, stored information comprises the following:
    1. Files
    2. Versions
    3. Installed location
    4. Various other information
  • Storing every network transaction on the installed system – the default setting is for 45 days (data can
    be stored indefinitely – depending on storage size)
  • Analyzing every installed software, version or executable using the file Hash, and showing every known
    malicious software on your organization
  • Allowing to create, edit and modify Cyber 2.0 Dynamic list
    1. Nothing will get blocked
    2. The customer will see what would or should have been blocked


  • Full view of the system
  • A complete and comprehensive Inventory
  • Full analysis of the network


  • No defense mechanism

Isolation Mode

  • Isolation Mode is designed to allow the organization to have fast and powerful protection against ransomware and similar forms of attack, while keeping all the benefits of Monitor Mode
  • Isolation Mode only blocks and prevents access to the file system, any other protocol will not be blocked, only reported


  • All the benefits of monitor mode
  • Example of Protected Protocols:
    1. UNC
    2. SMB
    3. Similar Network File System protocol
  • Protects software from accessing the network file system
    1. Program with admin privileges will be blocked
    2. Access to map drive will be blocked
  • Dynamic list automation is supported in Isolation Mode, allowing for smooth and almost zero
  • No other protocol is blocked or affected


  • Full view of the system
  • A complete and comprehensive inventory
  • Full analysis of the network
  • Lightweight and easily manageable
  • Powerful protection against the spread and effect of ransom virus and similar malicious software


  • Only the network file system access is protected
  • The first computer will be infected, but the network will be safe

Defense Mode

  • Internal Defense Mode is designed to bring the most cutting-edge defense into the organization. It creates an unbreachable chaos barrier between the computer of a specific network and does not allow any unknown or unwanted application to traverse the network.
  • Any attempt by malicious software to bypass or deactivate the mechanism will lock the malicious software on the original computer, while the allowed programs work unhindered.


  • All the benefits of Monitor Mode
  • All the benefits of Isolation Mode
  • All communication is scrambled
  • All network traffic is subject to the dynamic list rules
  • Dynamic list automation is supported in Defense Mode, allowing for smooth and almost zero maintenance


  • Full view of the system
  • A complete and comprehensive Inventory
  • Full analysis of the network
  • Lightweight and easily manageable
  • Powerful protection against the spread and effect of known and unknown malicious software


  • The first computer will be infected, but the network will be safe